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GenerateBlocks, GeneratePress

Blog Post Template Design with Dynamic Content in GeneratePress & GenerateBlocks

Adam Wright

by Adam Wright

If you’ve been using GeneratePress and GenerateBlocks and want to create a custom blog post template, you’re in the right place. This tutorial will guide you through the process of building a new blog post template design using the latest tools in GeneratePress Premium and GenerateBlocks.

Creating a Blog Post Template in GeneratePress

To get started, we’ll set up a custom element in GeneratePress Premium that will serve as our blog post template.

1. Set Up the Element:

  • In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Elements.
  • Add a new element and select Block.
  • Name the element, for example, “Blog Post Template.”

2. Designing the Template:

  • Start by adding a container block to hold your content.
  • Insert an inner container within it to control the width of your content.
  • Since we want a two-column layout, add two more containers within the inner container.

3. Configure the Layout:

  • Set the outer container to Display: Flex and align the two containers side by side at 50% width each.
  • Add a column gap to separate the two sections, and set the left container to hold the featured image while the right container holds the post content.

4. Dynamic Content Setup:

  • In the left container, add an image block and enable Dynamic Data to pull the featured image from your posts.
  • For the right container, add dynamic blocks for the post date, title, excerpt, and author.

5. Styling the Template:

  • Use CSS and GenerateBlocks settings to style your elements, such as adding a background color to the date, setting custom fonts, and adding padding to create space around your content.

6. Responsive Design:

  • Make sure the template looks good on all devices by adjusting the layout for mobile and tablet views.
  • For mobile, stack the containers vertically and adjust image sizes for optimal display.
  • For tablet, maintain a balanced layout that still looks good with smaller screens.

7. Publish and Apply the Template:

  • Once you’re satisfied with the design, set the element to be a Content Template and apply it to all blog posts.
  • Save and refresh your blog posts to see the new template in action.

Final Thoughts

This tutorial demonstrates the powerful capabilities of GeneratePress Premium and GenerateBlocks for building custom blog post templates. By using dynamic content and responsive design settings, you can create a template that not only looks great on all devices but also makes your blog posts stand out.

Feel free to experiment with different layouts and styles to find the design that best suits your needs. I hope this guide has been helpful and has inspired you to explore new possibilities with GeneratePress and GenerateBlocks.


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Adam Wright

About the Author

Adam Wright

Adam is a California native, now living in Middle Tennessee. A long-time creative at heart, his passion for design and growing his small business, AWD, is always evident. When he's not writing code or sketching logos, he enjoys spending time with family, playing basketball, or watching just about any motorsports. Find him on LinkedIn.