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How to Add a Page to Your Website Navigation in WordPress (2 Ways!)

Adam Wright

by Adam Wright

Adding pages to your navigation menu in WordPress can be done in two simple ways, whether you’re adding a new page or linking an existing one. Here’s a step-by-step guide to both methods:

Method 1: Adding an Existing Page to the Menu

  1. Create the Page:
    • Go to Pages > Add New in your WordPress dashboard.
    • Name your page (e.g., “FAQ”) and hit Publish.
    • Return to your dashboard.
  2. Add the Page to the Menu:
    • Go to Appearance > Menus.
    • Ensure you’re editing the correct menu (e.g., your main navigation menu).
    • In the Pages section on the left, you should see your new “FAQ” page listed under Add Menu Items.
    • Check the box next to the page and click Add to Menu.
    • The page will appear at the bottom of the menu. You can click and drag it to reorder it as needed.
    • Click Save Menu to apply the changes.
  3. Verify on the Front End:
    • Go to your website and you should now see the FAQ page in your navigation menu.

Method 2: Adding a New Page Directly from the Customizer

  1. Open the Customizer:
    • Go to Appearance > Customize in your dashboard.
  2. Add the Page via the Menu:
    • In the Customizer, select Menus and choose your main menu.
    • Click Add Items and then Add New Page.
    • Enter the page name (e.g., “Meet the Team”) and click Add. The page will automatically be added to your menu.
    • You can drag and drop the new page to reorder it within the menu.
    • Click Publish to save your changes.
  3. Verify the Page Exists:
    • The Customizer method not only adds the page to your navigation but also creates the page itself. You can verify this by going back to Pages in your dashboard, where you’ll see the newly created “Meet the Team” page.


The first method is great if you already have a page built and just need to add it to your menu. The second method is perfect for quickly building out your navigation and creating pages on the fly. Both methods are easy and efficient, allowing you to keep your website’s navigation organized as you continue to develop your content.


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Adam Wright

About the Author

Adam Wright

Adam is a California native, now living in Middle Tennessee. A long-time creative at heart, his passion for design and growing his small business, AWD, is always evident. When he's not writing code or sketching logos, he enjoys spending time with family, playing basketball, or watching just about any motorsports. Find him on LinkedIn.