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How to Duplicate a Page or Post in WordPress

Adam Wright

by Adam Wright

Duplicating posts and pages in WordPress can be incredibly useful when you want to replicate layouts, reuse content, or create new versions of existing content. Since WordPress doesn’t offer this functionality natively, the Yoast Duplicate Post plugin is a great solution. Here’s how to quickly and easily duplicate a post or page using this plugin:

Step 1: Install the Plugin

  1. Go to Plugins: In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Plugins > Add New.
  2. Search for the Plugin: In the search bar, type “Duplicate Post”.
  3. Select Yoast Duplicate Post: Among the results, look for Yoast Duplicate Post. This plugin is simple and efficient, making it a great choice.
  4. Install and Activate: Click Install Now and then Activate.

Step 2: Duplicate a Post or Page

  1. Go to Posts or Pages: Navigate to either the Posts or Pages section of your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Hover Over a Post/Page: You’ll see new options appear—CloneNew Draft, and Rewrite & Republish.
    • Clone: This option creates a copy of your post or page, saving it as a draft with the same title. You’ll find it in your drafts, ready to be edited.
    • New Draft: This copies the post or page and immediately opens it in the editor, allowing you to start making changes right away.
    • Rewrite & Republish: This option is for when you want to update an existing post, make changes, and republish it as a new version. I personally don’t use this one as much, but it can be handy in certain cases.

Step 3: Finalize Your Duplicate

  1. Edit the New Draft: Once you’ve duplicated your post or page, be sure to update the title to reflect the new content.
  2. Update the Permalink: After changing the title, ensure that the permalink (URL) reflects the new post or page name to avoid any conflicts or confusion.


The Yoast Duplicate Post plugin is a simple yet powerful tool that makes duplicating posts and pages in WordPress quick and easy. Whether you need to replicate a complex layout or reuse content, this plugin has you covered.


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Adam Wright

About the Author

Adam Wright

Adam is a California native, now living in Middle Tennessee. A long-time creative at heart, his passion for design and growing his small business, AWD, is always evident. When he's not writing code or sketching logos, he enjoys spending time with family, playing basketball, or watching just about any motorsports. Find him on LinkedIn.