A woman sitting at a desk, working on a laptop. She is smiling and surrounded by colorful flowers and plants.

Opportunities are wasted every day a visitor leaves your site without taking any action. Attention spans are extremely low, which means you have to capture your website visitors quickly. In fact, within just a few seconds from the time they land on your webpage. It’s such a short amount of time, that with a lack-luster …

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A person is sitting at a desk with a laptop displaying a website. They are holding a cup of coffee, and there is a glass of water, a red notebook, and a smartphone on the desk.

We’ve all stumbled on to a webpage that for whatever reason didn’t “exist” — meaning, the link you clicked to visit, is no longer an actual page. As a result, you get a 404: Page Not Found error message. As the business owner of the particular website, that’s not great — but it happens to all …

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A group of five people, standing in a circle, joyfully raise their hands together in a high-five, inside a well-lit room with large windows.

Are you currently working on writing up the content for your company’s About page? The About page can easily be one of the most missed opportunities to connect with a customer. As the business owner, you might assume that it’s all about YOU, right? Your bio, your hobbies, etc. Wrong. You should be using the …

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A tablet displaying a data analytics dashboard with charts and graphs is on a wooden surface next to a pen, a smartphone, and a cup of coffee.

Being embarrassed about how outdated your website is can be, well, embarrassing. It’s like knowing your car needs new brakes, and every time you come to a stop sign you’re reminded by the loud squeak they make, but you know it isn’t cheap and don’t want to deal with it right now. The truth is, …

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A person is sketching a website wireframe on paper with a pencil, placed next to a laptop, cacti, and a sticky note on a wooden desk.

When it comes to your website navigation, you want it to be less like a food menu, and more like a website menu — clean, organized, and focused. If you go for the contrary, with 8-10 different items, with huge drop-downs beneath each one, you are going to end up deterring customers from browsing your site …

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A laptop displaying a content management system with an "Add title" section ready to create a new post. The screen shows fields for entering the title, image, categories, and other post details.

In the world of WordPress, there’s dozens of what we call “page builders” — certain plugins/software many use to build their WordPress websites. From Elementor, to Divi, Beaver Builder, WP Bakery, Oxygen, Kadence Blocks….I could go on. It’s a saturated area of WordPress that can be difficult to navigate. What is easy to use? What’s going …

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Person in a yellow sweater typing on a laptop, with a book partially visible on the table nearby.

So you have a website — great! But did you know how quickly your website is judged? Or how many visitors you could be losing as a result of the design? It goes without question that an aesthetically pleasing website is more enjoyable to look at and navigate, rather than a clunky, outdated website. Right? …

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Person typing on a laptop at a wooden table with a plastic cup of iced coffee, in a modern café setting.

As a nonprofit, your website serves as one of the most important marketing pieces to your organization. It drives donations. It spreads your mission. It creates followers. It inspires volunteers. How your website is built can determine the outcome of its success. You certainly don’t want to take it lightly, and nor should you neglect …

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A tidy workspace with a laptop, desktop monitor, mouse, mousepad, small plant, water bottle, drawing tablet, and a desk lamp.

At AWD, we look at your homepage as one of the most important pages on your website. It creates the first impression, telling the user/visitor exactly who you are and what you do. In fact, according to a study by Taylor & Francis Online, “It takes about 50 milliseconds (that’s 0.05 seconds) for users to …

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A computer screen displays a WordPress dashboard with the text "Understanding the Importance of WordPress Maintenance" above it. The top right corner features "ADAM WRIGHT DESIGN" in a red rectangle.

When it comes to working with WordPress, there’s still work to do even after you launch your new website. Currently used by more than a third of all websites in the world, WordPress is an open-source content management system, used to build websites. So, what does that mean? Well, open-source refers to the general public …

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